It's true that the times we are currently living in are challenging, different and even uncertain. While we can't change certain situations, we can work on ourselves and raise our energy frequency. I think we can all agree that living in positive energy is so much healthier than getting stuck in a negative energy loop. So, let's shine our light and radiate positivity and happiness.
When we raise our energy vibration we are more aligned to our highest-greatest good, our immune systems function better, and we radiate peace and happiness. If you are radiating at a high frequency the energies around you will also shift in a more positive way. When your energy vibration is high-you are able to rise to any occasion. Raising your vibrational frequency is easier than you think. In fact, it's so easy a child can do it. Children are often our best energy teachers...always smiling, laughing, and playing. So, let's connect to our inner child!
Smile! Smiling instantly connects you to your higher self. Smiling is a universal sign of happiness.
Sing! Sing or hum one of your favorite tunes. Singing tones the Vagus Nerve which helps relieve anxiety.
Move! Dance, walk, practice your favorite yoga asana. Movement will ground your energy, clear your mental chatter and release endorphins that increase feelings of positivity.
Just thinking about these things has already elevated my mood and my energy levels. I know it will do the same for you! Avoid getting stuck in the negative energy loop and apply these easy energy tips throughout your day.