The sweet smell of her "Grace" perfume fills the air just as a brilliant red cardinal perches on the oak tree above. Her favorite song suddenly plays on the radio as I drive past her old neighborhood. I know she is with me- I can feel her presence and hear her messages loud and clear. I am filled with an overwhelming amount of joy and LOVE!
When my dear Aunt was leaving this physical world, I asked her if she would return to look after my family and guide us if ever we should lose our way. She definitely heard me and visits often. Just feeling her presence is enough to get us back on track again. Everything passes, everything also has the ability to return. It might not be in the form we want it to or even a form we recognize, but the signs and messages will be clues for us. Be open to receiving these signs and messages-they are from Spirit!
Passed loved ones and ancestors are all around us. Some come and go and some stay with us as part of our Spirit Team. Check in with them regularly and ask them for guidance, support, courage, and love. Sit outside and listen to the wind. Close your eyes, quiet the mind, and be open to receiving these messages. Use your senses and your imagination to expand your awareness. The signs may be subtle or hit you like a ton of bricks! Either way spirit will get your attention and bring you what you need. If ever you feel lost or in need of comforting ask your Spirit family for help. They are always there for you.